CCA contracts are broken down into three primitive statements:
; consent/revocation
X [dis]allows Y/C [for purpose P] [when T]
; preference
X prefers Y/C over Y'/C' [for purpose P] [when T]
; delegation
X delegates Y/C to Y'/C' [for purpose P] [when T]
This defines the legal inventory binding the technical component and the legislated component. CCA contracts play two roles: facilitative and restrictive. The restrictive aspect determines when a principal, such as X, ought not to be contacted directly by defining conditions where such contact is a potentially punishable violation. The restrictive aspect is based on allows and disallows. The facilitative aspect captures a principal’s preferred modes of communication as well as alternate pathways for communication when the context demands it – such as emergencies or in the case of guardianship. The facilitative aspect is based on prefers and delegates. Endpoints, like Y/C, capture “person” and “channel”, and can use wildcards like *, so */* means “everyone/any way” and “*/email” means everyone, by email, and “Bob/*” means Bob, by any means. Here are examples:
Alice disallows */work-phone when "not at office"
Alice prefers */text over */voice
Alice delegates */* to Bob/* for purpose work when "after hours or weekends"
The above examples might go a long way towards a national version of regulating work/life communications – but notice Alice, not, the government, is in control.